Mobility of Labour

  1. Geographical mobility: The ease of moving from one area to another. The greater the mobility of labour, the lower the level of unemployment. 

How can the government increase geographical mobility of labour? 

  • Housing: Increase the availability of affordable housing in those areas of shortages.
  • Educational facilities: Improve the availability of educational facilities to ease the concern of parents.
  • Social infrastructure: Improve the social infrastructure so as to make the areas more appealing for families e.g. shops, parks, leisure facilities
  • Supports by government: The government might provide adequate supports so as to entice people to move e.g. help with re-location costs

2. Occupational mobility: The ease of movement of workers from one job to another. 

What are the barriers to occupational mobility of labour? 

  1. Trade unions 
  2. Lack of knowledge about available work 
  3. High skill levels 
  4. High training costs

How can the government increase occupational mobility of labour?

  • Education courses: Provide courses for further education opportunities and at costs accessible to workers
  • Training / retraining: Provide opportunities for training, retraining at times and at costs suitable to workers.
  • Reduce barriers to entry into occupations e.g. NUJ, Equity, Irish hospital consultants.
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